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Hope to hear from you.' His sincerity seems genuine, but, my God, he is nearly half my age! At 37, he is the epitome of the kind of man I would have fallen for when I was in my own mid to late thirties. I am NOT looking for a quick conquest for bragging rights.but for an LTR just like you are. I got a good feeling reading your post and would like to chat with you to see if we might click. Leaving the laptop on, while I did my housework, gave me some hope for a response. I bravely hit 'submit', sat back in my chair, and wondered what kind of person might respond, or if any would at all. Please see all of my photos and judge for yourself. Even tempered, kind, and considerate of others. 'Help! Mature man in need of being rescued from women. When I finally got the courage to 'explore' my passions, I joined one of those gay dating sites: For reasons not germane to this story, I had my same-sex initiation very late in life, though the idea had been with me since childhood. I bear the sorrow of one who has wasted the better part of his life.

My age? Suffice to say, I am on the other side of fifty.

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Always protect yourself in real life! All characters are over 18.well over 18! This is a fantasy story, with no condom, bareback sex.

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